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Resources > Cyberattacks > School Data Breach—Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

School Data Breach—Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

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School data breaches have become an unfortunate reality, exposing students’ personal information and impacting their privacy and security. As technology has become more integrated into the classroom, the amount of data collected and stored has grown exponentially. This data is an attractive target for hackers and cybercriminals, putting it at constant risk of exposure.

This article will cover everything you need to know about a school data breach, including how it occurs and what schools can do to safeguard personal information.

What Is a School Data Breach?

A school data breach occurs when sensitive student or staff information stored on a school’s network or servers is accessed or stolen by unauthorized individuals. This may include:

  • Personal details like names, addresses, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers (SSNs)
  • Students’ grades, test scores, disciplinary records, and other academic information
  • School financial data, such as library fees, lunch balances, and tuition payments

How Do School Data Breaches Happen?

School data breaches happen in various ways, often due to vulnerabilities in a school’s digital infrastructure. As hackers are constantly scanning networks for weak spots to exploit, data breaches can occur as a result of any of the following:

  1. Outdated software
  2. Weak passwords
  3. Phishing emails
  4. Lost or stolen devices
  5. Ransomware attacks
  6. Third-party vendors
  7. Lack of security awareness

Outdated Software

Schools frequently use older operating systems and software to save money. However, older systems are more prone to security flaws that haven’t been patched. Hackers can gain access through these unfixed vulnerabilities, so modernizing infrastructure and keeping software up to date is crucial.

Weak Passwords

Simple or reused passwords are easily cracked. If a staff member uses the same weak password for multiple accounts, it only takes one breach to compromise the whole network. Enforcing strong, unique passwords for all accounts helps prevent unauthorized access.

Phishing Emails

Phishing emails with malicious links or attachments are a common cyberattack method. If a staff member clicks on a suspicious link or downloads an infected attachment, it can secretly install malware to steal data or take control of the system. Conducting phishing simulation tests and training staff to spot phishing attempts reduces the risk of a successful phishing attack.

Lost or Stolen Devices

Laptops, tablets, and USB drives that contain unencrypted sensitive data can be a liability if lost or stolen. Enabling hard drive encryption and two-factor authentication on all devices can help ensure data can’t be accessed by unauthorized individuals in case of physical theft or loss.

Ransomware Attacks

Hackers may attack a school’s network with malicious software that encrypts data and holds it hostage until a ransom is paid to decrypt it. Schools are attractive targets since they contain sensitive data and may be more willing to pay to recover it.

Third-Party Vendors

Schools frequently share student and staff information with third-party service providers like bus companies, healthcare providers, and education software vendors. If any of those partners experience a breach, school data is compromised as well.

Carefully vetting vendors, limiting access to only necessary data, and ensuring strong security controls in third-party agreements can help reduce this risk.

Lack of Security Awareness

If staff and students aren’t trained on security best practices, they can unwittingly jeopardize data. Common issues that can cause vulnerability to data breaches include weak passwords, phishing emails, unencrypted devices, and unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Conducting regular cybersecurity training and simulated phishing campaigns can help build awareness and change behavior in the long run.

What Are the Consequences of Data Breaches?

Business men sitting at the lawyers’s desk. People signing important documents.

Data breaches can have serious consequences for schools and students. This includes:

Consequence of Data BreachWhat It Entails
Identity theftPersonal information in the wrong hands can be used for fraudulent activities
LawsuitsAffected parties may take legal action against the school for failing to protect data
Damaged reputationParents and other stakeholders may lose trust in the school, which could hurt enrollment and funding
Interrupted learningData breaches can lead to shutdown of operations, interrupting learning activities. In some cases, schools may close down entirely

Notable School District Data Breach Examples

Unfortunately, data breaches involving sensitive student information are becoming more common. Even with privacy laws like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in place, some schools still struggle to properly secure students’ personal data. A few notable examples of major school district data breaches include:

  1. Prince George’s County Public Schools, Md.
  2. New Haven Public Schools, Conn.
  3. Minneapolis Public Schools

Prince George’s County Public Schools, Md.

In August this year, the Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland announced a data breach impacting about 4,500 users. The attack involved an unauthorized user accessing sensitive data, including students’ and employees’ usernames and passwords. Exercising caution, the school forced a reset of passwords for all employees and students and engaged a specialist to investigate the scope of the breach.

New Haven Public Schools, Conn.

The New Haven school district in Connecticut got hit hard when hackers managed to break into the email account of the district’s chief operating officer. According to the New Haven Register, the district lost over $6 million as a result of the breach. The hackers monitored the COO’s email conversations with vendors and then impersonated both the COO and the vendors. Their goal? To redirect payments meant for the district’s school bus contractor and a law firm to their fraudulent accounts. Luckily, the district has managed to recover $3.6 million so far.

Minneapolis Public Schools

In March, thousands of files purportedly stolen from the Minnesota school district were published on the internet days after a cyber gang announced the school system had missed its deadline to pay a $1 million ransom demand. According to The 74, the files included campus rape cases, child abuse inquiries, student mental health crisis details, and suspension reports. The school ransomware attack began in February and affected many of the district’s systems—from the ability to access the internet from school buildings to badge access to building alarms.

How Schools Can Prevent Data Breaches

Schools can take several precautions to help prevent data breaches and protect students’ sensitive information. Here are four basic security steps schools should take:

  1. Conducting regular risk assessments
  2. Providing ongoing security training
  3. Utilizing advanced security technologies
  4. Limiting data collection and sharing

Conducting Regular Risk Assessments

Schools should regularly evaluate their data security practices to identify vulnerabilities. They should assess aspects such as employee access to data, security of servers and networks, strength of passwords, and policies around data use. By understanding weak points in their systems, schools can make targeted improvements to strengthen security.

Providing Ongoing Security Training

All staff handling student data should receive frequent training on security best practices, such as using strong passwords, being wary of phishing emails, and reporting suspicious activity. Regular training and reinforcement of data use and storage policies can help reduce the risks of human error and unauthorized access.

Utilizing Advanced Security Technologies

Investing in sophisticated security systems can help schools detect and respond to threats early. Security measures like multi-factor authentication, data encryption, firewalls, and breach detection software add layers of protection for sensitive data. While these technologies often require funding and IT expertise, they’re important tools for combating cybersecurity threats.

Limiting Data Collection and Sharing

Schools should only collect and share the minimum amount of student data needed. The less data is stored and distributed, the fewer opportunities for a breach.

Limiting access and being selective about data requests is important on an individual level as well—as a parent, you should do what’s in your power to protect your child’s personal information from potential data breaches.

FreeKick Keeps Your Family Safe From Identity Crime

Offered by Austin Capital Bank, FreeKick is an FDIC-insured deposit account that protects your family’s identities and helps build credit for your children.

A secure identity is important for major life milestones, such as securing a college loan and landing a good job. Unfortunately, child identity theft occurs every 30 seconds, which is why it’s crucial to take all precautions against this crime—like using a good identity protection service.

Identity Protection With FreeKick

FreeKick’s identity protection services cover your entire family. Here’s what the service offers for minors and adults:

Services for MinorsServices for Adult Children and Parents
Credit profile monitoring
Social Security number (SSN) monitoring
Dark web monitoring for children’s personal information
Up to $1 million identity theft insurance
Full-service white-glove concierge credit restoration
Sex offender monitoring—based on sponsor parent’s address
Credit profile monitoring
SSN monitoring
Dark web monitoring for personal information
Up to $1 million identity theft insurance
Full-service white-glove concierge credit restoration
Lost wallet protection
Court records monitoring
Change of address monitoring
Non-credit (Payday) loan monitoring
Free FICO® Score monthly
FICO® Score factors
Experian credit report monthly

Credit Building With FreeKick

Secure identities must be complemented by a good credit profile for financial success in life. Enter FreeKick’s credit building service, which is available for children between 13 and 25 years of age.

You’ll have to take three steps to activate the service:

  1. Create an Account—Create an account at FreeKick.bank and choose a deposit that suits your budget
  2. Set It and Forget It—Once you activate the account, FreeKick will start building 12 months’ worth of credit history for your child
  3. Keep Growing—After 12 months, you can close the account without any fees or continue building credit for your family for another year

As a result of establishing credit early, your child will get a credit history head start of up to five years when they turn 18. By enabling them to secure better loan terms and other financial benefits, this will help them save $200,000 during their lifetime.

FreeKick Pricing

FreeKick has two pricing plans:

FDIC-Insured DepositAnnual Fee
$3,000$0 (Free)
No deposit$149

Each plan offers:

  1. Credit building for six children aged 13 to 25
  2. Identity protection for two parents and six children aged 0 to 25

Secure your family’s identities and their financial future—sign up for FreeKick today.

Freekick provides a double dose of financial empowerment and security for your whole family. It helps teens and young adults build strong credit profiles and offers identity motoring for up to two adult parents and six children under 25.

Freekick: ID Protection & Credit Building

Protect Your Family’s Identities
Safeguard up to 2 parents & 6 children
Build Your Child’s Credit
Build credit for your children ages 13-25. Good credit can save them $200,000 over their life!
Pay $0 A Year
Make a one-time deposit of $2,500 or pay $149/year with no deposit
Powered by Austin Capital Bank
FreeKick is a combination of a FDIC-insured deposit account, credit building, & identity monitoring services

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