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Resources > Cyberattacks > Cybersecurity for Students—A Comprehensive Guide

Cybersecurity for Students—A Comprehensive Guide

Start Building Your Child’s Credit

As a student in today’s largely digital world, chances are that a lot of your academic, social, and personal interactions occur online. From sharing photos to submitting assignments, being online has become integral to student life. And with the widespread use of public Wi-Fi, cloud storage, and smart devices, your data is more vulnerable than ever.

Cybercrime is on the rise, and students are prime targets—but although cyber threats are real and serious, there are various ways you can protect yourself. In this guide, we’ll walk you through some essential tips regarding cybersecurity for students and the tools you need to keep your digital life secure.

Cybersecurity Facts About College Students

College students are five times more likely to be victims of identity theft than the rest of the general public, making them more vulnerable to this vicious crime. They’re often prime targets for cyberattacks for various reasons:

  • They may not have developed strong cybersecurity habits yet and typically possess valuable information such as Social Security numbers (SSNs), bank account details, and academic records
  • The average college student uses multiple devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Each device represents a potential vulnerability if not properly secured
  • College students often use peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for file sharing. However, these platforms can be infected with malware or illegal content, posing security and legal risks
  • Campus environments with shared living and study spaces can be hotspots for physical device theft, which can result in data breaches
  • Young adults often have either a good or no credit history, both of which are advantageous for cybercriminals. If your credit profile is new or relatively clean, it has no red flags, which identity thieves can exploit to open accounts more easily using your information

Cybersecurity Threats Students Face

As a student, your sensitive data and accounts are prime targets for cybercriminals. In fact, research shows that data security is the second largest liability risk for educational institutions. To be able to protect yourself, it’s important to understand the risks. Here are the most common cybersecurity threats that students may face:

  1. Phishing attacks
  2. Data theft
  3. Scholarship scams
  4. Unsecured Wi-Fi networks
  5. Peer-to-peer file sharing
  6. Man-in-the-middle attacks
  7. Ransomware 

Phishing Attacks

Phishing emails are designed to trick you into clicking malicious links or downloading infected attachments, granting the sender access to your private information. They may appear to be from your school, a scholarship organization, or a familiar company. To steer clear of this threat, you should never click links or download attachments from unsolicited emails.

Data Theft

Personal information, such as your SSN, passwords, and bank account numbers, is valuable on the dark web—it can be used by criminals to conceal their crimes or carry out fraudulent activities like identity theft, tax fraud, and unauthorized access to financial accounts. To help prevent data theft, be cautious when sharing sensitive data on public Wi-Fi networks or with unknown devices and use strong passwords.

Scholarship Scams

Scammers often target students with promises of “free money” for college in exchange for a processing fee or personal information. Keep in mind that for legitimate scholarships, you are not required to provide sensitive data or fees upfront—never pay money or share personal details to claim a scholarship.

Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks

Public Wi-Fi hotspots like those in libraries, cafes, and dorms are risky to use since they’re unencrypted, allowing hackers to see all the data you’re transmitting. When browsing on unsecured networks, avoid the following:

  • Conducting financial transactions
  • Logging into accounts
  • Sharing sensitive information 

Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

While downloading files from peer-to-peer networks may seem harmless, it can pave the way for malware, ransomware, and identity theft. Many of these networks contain infected files, as unscrupulous users are looking to exploit careless downloaders. Avoid using peer-to-peer file-sharing software whenever possible to stay safe.

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Hackers may try to position themselves between you and the network or networks you frequently access to steal your data. They can intercept communications and access account information, passwords, and more. Use a VPN when connecting to public networks, and be cautious of unsolicited messages asking for account access or verification.


Ransomware can lock you out of your files and data, holding them for ransom. Often spread through phishing emails, compromised websites, and infected downloads, ransomware will encrypt your files so you can’t access them—this results in the attackers demanding money to decrypt your data. To protect yourself, be wary of unsolicited messages and links, keep backups of your important files, and use reputable antivirus software.

Cybersecurity Tips for Students

Most students’ digital lives revolve around the internet. While connectivity provides many benefits, it also exposes you to various cyber threats like online scams, medical identity theft, and privacy invasion. Here are some tips for practicing good cyber hygiene and staying safe online:

  1. Create unique and strong passwords
  2. Enable two-factor authentication
  3. Use a VPN
  4. Keep software up to date
  5. Be cautious of what you share online
  6. Back up your data
  7. Sign up for identity protection services

Create Unique and Strong Passwords

Create complex passwords that include a minimum of 12 characters with a mix of symbols, numbers, and letters. Don’t reuse the same password across sites—if needed, use a password manager to keep track of all your passwords.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Whenever available, set up two-factor authentication (2FA) on your email, social media, and banking accounts. 2FA adds an extra layer of login security by requiring not just your password but also a code sent to your phone or an authentication app. Ensure you enable the two-factor authentication method to keep your digital accounts safe from potential intruders or data breaches.

Use a VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts your internet connection and hides your online activities. Use a VPN when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks to prevent snoopers from seeing what you’re doing. And if investing in a VPN isn’t a priority for you, there are decent free options available.

Keep Software Up to Date

Update the operating systems and applications on your devices as soon as updates become available. Software updates are responsible for introducing new changes and fixing any errors that may be present in the devices, and they often contain important security patches to protect you against vulnerabilities.

Be Cautious of What You Share Online

Think before posting personal information, location details, or photos on social media. What you share online can be seen by anyone, potentially enabling identity theft or privacy invasion. Only share posts you feel comfortable with anyone in the world accessing.

Back Up Your Data

It’s important to keep in mind that malicious threats and hackers aren’t always after stealing your data—sometimes, their goal is to encrypt or erase it. That’s why it’s crucial to back up your data and have a reliable recovery tool at your disposal. Nowadays, there are plenty of affordable storage devices available—use these to back up important files, photos, and documents to external storage, the cloud, or both.

Sign Up for an Identity Protection Service

Due to the prevalence of online risks, identity theft is a major concern. Signing up for a dedicated identity monitoring service like FreeKick is an effective way to safeguard your personal information from potential cyber threats and identity fraud. These services provide 24/7 monitoring of credit reports and other sensitive data, allowing any suspicious activity to be detected early to prevent further harm.

In addition to monitoring, FreeKick offers identity theft insurance of up to $1 million. If identity theft occurs, the insurance provides financial reimbursement for expenses like:

  • Legal fees
  • Lost wages
  • Stolen funds 

The insurance coverage offers peace of mind, knowing there’s a safety net in case identity theft does happen.

Use FreeKick To Safeguard Your Family’s Identities

Identity theft is so widespread that a child’s identity is stolen every 30 seconds, making identity protection services invaluable. That’s where FreeKick by Austin Capital Bank comes in—this two-in-one platform protects your child’s identity and builds credit for them. 

How FreeKick’s Protects Your Family’s Identities

FreeKick offers identity protection services for minors, adult children, and parents, making it a comprehensive identity protection package for your whole family. For minors, FreeKick offers the following services:

  • Credit profile monitoring
  • Social Security number (SSN) monitoring
  • Dark web monitoring for children’s personal information
  • Up to $1 million identity theft insurance
  • Full-service white-glove concierge credit restoration
  • Sex offender monitoring—based on sponsor parent’s address

For adult children and parents, FreeKick offers:

  • Credit profile monitoring
  • SSN monitoring
  • Dark web monitoring for personal information
  • Up to $1 million identity theft insurance
  • Full-service white-glove concierge credit restoration
  • Lost wallet protection
  • Court records monitoring
  • Change of address monitoring
  • Non-credit (Payday) loan monitoring
  • Free FICO® Score monthly
  • FICO® Score factors
  • Experian credit report monthly

How FreeKick Builds Credit

FreeKick builds credit for children aged 13 to 25 in three simple steps:

  1. Create an Account—Sign up on FreeKick.bank and choose a deposit that suits your budget
  2. Set It and Forget It—FreeKick will start building 12 months’ worth of credit history for your child
  3. Keep Growing—After 12 months, close the account without any fees (or continue building credit for your child for another year)

These steps give your child the opportunity to have five years’ worth of credit history when they turn 18. This will help them save $200,000 during their lifetimes by giving them access to better loan terms and other financial benefits.

FreeKick Pricing

FreeKick offers two pricing plans:

FDIC-Insured DepositAnnual Fee
$3,000$0 (Free)
No deposit$149

Both plans offer:

  1. Credit building for six children aged 13 to 25
  2. Identity protection for two parents and six children aged 0 to 25

Secure your family’s identity and financial future—sign up for FreeKick today.

Freekick provides a double dose of financial empowerment and security for your whole family. It helps teens and young adults build strong credit profiles and offers identity motoring for up to two adult parents and six children under 25.

Freekick: ID Protection & Credit Building

Protect Your Family’s Identities
Safeguard up to 2 parents & 6 children
Build Your Child’s Credit
Build credit for your children ages 13-25. Good credit can save them $200,000 over their life!
Pay $0 A Year
Make a one-time deposit of $2,500 or pay $149/year with no deposit
Powered by Austin Capital Bank
FreeKick is a combination of a FDIC-insured deposit account, credit building, & identity monitoring services

Get 10% off on the first 3 monthly payments

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